vision quest and the acceleration of thoughts

I couldn’t sleep last night. i have been juicing during the day and eating one veggie meal for dinner since i broke my fast 3 days ago, so i am feeling light and clear. i have been eliminating well, but I couldn’t sleep last night. Even though I had had 3 bowel movements yesterday, I knew ther was more, so at midnight I got out of bed and gave myself an amazing colonic. I went back to bed and my thoughts continued to race, so I decided to write them down. Here they are:

A mother and child were walking through the woods, enjoying the sound of the birds and the fragrance of the forest. They followed a brightly colored butterly into a meadow of wild flowers. the child ran joyously through the meadow chasing the butterly until she was exhausted and she fell to the grass laughing. Her mother joined her in the grass and they felt the warmth of the sun fill their bodies. the child began playing with the bugs in the grass and found a rusty metal object. What is this Mother?, she asked. It was a bottle cap. The child wanted to know where this came from and what i could have been its use? Her mother told her this story of long ago and far away:

Our ancient ancestors were told that they were free, but in fact, they were the subject to the whims of priests and kings who were all actually money-changers in disguise. They allowed themselves to be convinced that what they were eating, the nuts and berries of the forest and the living fruits and herbs fresh from under the sun, full of life-giving water, were insufficient for energy and health.They began to become numb and fell under the spell of these deceivers and to believe in the teachings of these new leaders. They helped to clear the land of the natural growth and helped to plant foods in a new way. This new way was hard work for them and they soon longed to leave the land and move into huge structures and to trade their time for money from these leaders and the chance to buy the food made for them. Oh, they still did wondrous things and made incredible inventions that were supposed to make their lives easier. But they became slaves to these inventions until they began losing their imaginations completely. They allowed these incredible inventions to destroy the life-giving land, the water and the air around them, turning them poisonous to themselves and their existence.

They began to eat their own animal friends that lived lives of torture and pain. They were eating much more than they had before, convinced that they needed 3 square meals a day of dense protein and nutrient rich foodstuff. Soon, their lean lithe bodies became thick, stiff and brittle, and there quick sharp minds became slow and dull. Their senses became numb until they forgot their power completely and they became easilly controlled and manipulated. They began to believe more and more in the power of their leaders. All of their dreams, hopes and aspirations were changing and diminishing.

They also began to believe the words of these leaders, that they were basically bad and insignificant and that they were doomed and needed the guidance of their leaders in every way, They became beggars of the soul believing that they were nothing if not forgiven for their sins. They totally forgot the truth that they were created in the image of our creator and that we hold the light and the power within us. That we don’t need to ask permission of anyone but ourselves to shine this light.The leaders became stronger and more clever in their disguise of the truth. They created disasters and prophecies of destruction and fear arose in the people so that they were even easier to control than before. They began to believe in these images of the end of the world until they almost made it happen, by not believing in their own light and powers bestowal upon them by the creator. They allowed their power to be held hostage.

They were still giving birth to children full of light in spite every attempt to extinguish that light. Their babies were carried in the wombs of ill and broken mothers stuffing their bellies with mucus and starch and poisoned murdered animals instead of living foods from the sun the water the land and the wind. The living foods of our birthright.

Child birth began to carry with it unbearable pain from these sins against nature until the poor pitiful mother felt the need to ingest and be injected with poisons to numb herself and her unborn child of the light from what is meant to be a glorious blessing in itself. In spite of all of this pain and suffering, the children were still being born full of the light. Unfortunatelly the ignorance of their parents and t heir leaders began to numb them to the truth until by the time they turned 8 years old their rainbow spirits became black and whit like the adults around them.

Many true believers tried and tried to escape this bleack hole of darkness that enveloped them. but they were hopelessly addicted and ensvlaved, blinded to the light. Turning their backs to this way of life was just too hard.

But one day, a prophetess from the forest of the north, a human being still of pristine origin, never subjected to the inventions and teachings of this culture. she still held the light and the power and she was able to spread tales of our birthright throughout the entire world. And the people saw her visions and lovely images as truth. They began to stop believing in the lies of the snake-oil merchants all around them. They soon began to find love and light in the simpler things and in the diminshing nature around them. they began to grow gardens and respect for the land. They stopped eating the flesh of tortured, murdered anumals and the dead boiled foodstuffs from the shelves of the big fancy markets. They returned to the land one by one and the towers in the cities emptied one by one. Their bonds began to break, their light began to shine and the raging waters became calm and clear. The land becan to blossom and they soon realized that heaven is right here where it has always been. They stopped polluting it so it became paradise again

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